Friday, March 9, 2012

Copake's Town Board Has Courage

To the Editor:

I'd like to congratulate Copake's Town Board's new majority for having the courage to disband the Zoning Review Committee (land use review committee) and start out fresh! The old republican dominated board had clearly discouraged applicants who may not agree with their agenda by creating a distorted view of the expectations of commitment.

Why would Reggie Crowley tell applicants that the board was to meet every week when it is to meet monthly? Was this done to intentionally put off volunteers or was it not understanding what the requirements would be? Either way indicates that the selection process was flawed. Also, as Jeff Nayer points out, the board got off to a rocky start. Why retain a land use review committee picked by the previous administration who mishandled the selection process? Were some applicants treated differently because they did not share the republican view of land use? Is that so hard to believe that would ever happen? The newly elected majority not only has the legal right to do this but would be negligent in not righting the wrong of the last administration. Linda Gabaccia, Bob Sacks and Susan Winchell-Sweeney have taken a lot of heat for doing the right thing here. Wasn't pretty but that's the way it goes sometimes. By the way I'm not a democrat and one of the reasons why I'm not is, the democrats always try to take the high ground while the republicans fight dirty and because the public is so ill-informed they get away with it. 

When pressed to say who was not treated fairly Linda Gabaccia kept her word to respect the wishes of those who complained to remain confidential which is not only her moral obligation but her legal right. I don't blame them for not wanting to come forward in a county that is dominated by republicans. Too bad more democrats don't have the spine to stand behind this board for doing the right thing! For Mr. Crowley to cry foul about this situation caused by his deception or incompetence is the real despicable act here. And he is a hypocrite: as soon as he assumed his role as Supervisor in 2008 he disbanded the Comprehensive Plan Committee. He is still a divisive force even after leaving office, using the volunteers to create misguided outrage to drive a wedge between the voters and the town board. What a shame! We now have republican obstructionism at the local level. Although the republicans lost the majority, they still want to run the town using smoke and mirrors to distort reality to stir up discontent and intimidate the town board. Sadly, I think we can expect more of this nonsense from the loud, angry cronies who lost control and will sink to any level to regain it. No amount of compromise will satisfy them, all they know is to attack and complain until they get back in the majority. Hopefully Supervisor Nayer can maintain order at town hall meetings so the Town Board can conduct the business they were elected to do.

Kevin Kelly
Copake, NY

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