Thursday, June 17, 2010

Copake Is My Home

Dear Bob,

I want to take this opportunity to thank the Copake Park Commission for the awesome job they did with the fundraiser for Jeffrey’s Journey at The Cove this past weekend. They did everything – from soup to nuts. All the advertising, organizing and leg work it took seeking donations.

As I said at the town board meeting this past Saturday, a few years back I wanted to move closer to Albany so I could work in the Albany area as a nurse and continue my education, but it never really felt right in my heart…. And now I know why…because this is where I belong …
Copake is my home. Joan Spencer

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Chronicle of Their Own

This letter is in responce to another letter to the editor saying that it was obscene that other towns don't have a Chronicle of their own. The editor of this paper says thanks for the note from both writers.

It is sad, or regretable, but not obscene that other towns don't have a "Chronicle " of its own. Other towns don't have that combination of a skillful writer, a professonal editor-publisher, a wide-ranging interest and a comittment to a community-- all wrapped up in one person like Bob Sacks.

You need all those qualities to get what Copake has.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I am Proud of the Democrats in Town

I, as president of the Copake Democratic Club, am proud of the Democrats in Town. We came together in large numbers, approximately 85 of us, to hold an open nominating process, with a secret ballot to allow voters to make their preference without others looking at their choice. We looked at the candidates and saw two qualified men, and chose to provide for an open election in November, with two candidates on the ballot allowing for open discussion of the issues and freedom of choice. That is democracy and that is the path we as Democrats follow.

Thank you Copake Democrats, for attending in such numbers and permitting the entire town to see what we are, what we offer for the future of the Town and how to run an open and effective caucus, allowing anyone present the opportunity to speak and be heard. We look forward to open factual public debate prior to the election in November, and to a Copake Democratic Party united in that democratic process. We will show, that even with a divergence of opinion, we can pull together for the common purpose of electing our candidates dedicated to open government.

Morris Ordover
Copake Democratic Club President

Has anyone taken a good look at the creek on 7A lately?

Has anyone taken a good look at the creek on 7A lately? It is cluttered with fallen trees and debris.

Our home as well as several others on the Main Street has suffered flooding from the stream. I have asked the town board for help but am continually told that clean up of the stream is not allowed by DEC. While I brought this up at a town meeting, Reginald Crowley stated that the DEC would not permit cleanup. However that was contradicted by other members of the board. Why hasn't the Copake town board ever applied for a a permit with DEC to clean up the stream to prevent flooding of our homes?

I feel that since it only affects a few homes it is not seen as important to the town.

I have contacted William Nechamen, Chief Flood Plain Management NY State Dept of Enviromental Conservation and was told that clean up was possible if done correctly. But without a request for a permit nothing is being done.

We should not have to worry each time we get a heavy rain.

I wonder if the members of the town board or their families lived on Main Street if this problem would be resolved.

Elizabeth Williams
Copake NY