Hi Bob
Before moving Columbia Country full time, I had an opportunity to travel around the globe for business...including several trips to India.
While there I noticed that there were power outages due, I was told, to a poorly developed infrastructure. Well, here we am years later in America and it is happening to our town of Copake and the areas around us as regularly as in some emerging nations.
It is, I believe, the result of the large Spanish energy conglomerate Iberdrola, its services reach 16 million customers, over nine million in Spain. In September 2008, Iberdrola bought Energy East, a utilities company that serves 2.9 million customers in the Northeast United States.
They took over NYSEG and that is when the extended blackouts began and they disassembled the service teams in our area.
What do you or your readers know about it? How can we get to the bottom of this and halt the deterioration of our local energy service.
Maj Kalfus