Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Didi Barrett is the only "eligible" candidate!

As far as I am concerned, Didi Barrett is the only "eligible" candidate!
I don't care what the issues are, I want a State Senator that I know with much more assurance then a Senators say so that he or she doesn't have a conflict of interest and will represent NYS to the best to their abilities and not the best interests of their Law Firm, clients or fellow NYS Bar members.

It amazes me that Saland and others arn't forced to discontinue their law practices while serving in the NYS Senate and Assembly and I for one will never again vote for an attorney that isn't willing to discontinue the practice of NYS Law while they serve in office.

These attorneys are little more than lobbyists and it is you and I that are paying their $80,000 salaries.


This Election is About Jobs

This Election is About Jobs

I’m supporting Scott Murphy for Congress because he knows what a job is. He knows what it takes to create one and he knows why jobs disappear. He knows what it takes to create one because he has started companies. One failed, one was sold and one went public. He gets it. His opponent’s experience is in the army. You don’t learn what economic viability is in the army. You learn it in the trenches creating jobs. It’s not about fulfilling bumper sticker promises.

Do you create jobs with lower taxes or higher taxes, more regulation or less regulation? The reality is that these are all good tools when skillfully applied.

For instance, right now New York corporations, before loopholes, pay 41% taxes, a high rate by global standards. But they don’t pay any taxes on money earned abroad as long as they leave those profits abroad to grow their businesses overseas. So they have a huge incentive to create jobs for foreigners and a huge disincentive to create jobs here. Murphy knows that we can create jobs in the U.S.A. by lowering taxes on corporations on their domestic activities AND raising taxes on their foreign activity. Gibson has promised he won’t raise taxes, period. When was the last time you saw a skilled craftsman throw away a good tool? When it comes to creating jobs, Gibson is an unskilled greenhorn. Murphy is a master craftsman.

There is another thing I like about Murphy. He knows what a Republican is. His wife is one of eleven children who grew-up in Glens Falls where Murphy now lives. Since childhood she has been eating every Sunday dinner with her whole family; these days that usually means over forty people at her mother’s house. Her family is almost all Republican and Murphy is there for dinner every Sunday that he can be. From Sanskrit, “Walk together, talk together, O ye people of the earth, then and only then shall ye have peace.”

Please vote.

John Cady

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Breath of Fresh Air – Didi Barrett

A Breath of Fresh Air – Didi Barrett 

Let’s face it. We all know the New York legislative process is a mess. It’s easy for us, citizens, to throw up our hands in disgust and say, there is no sense in voting. It’s the same old, same old. Here’s our chance to make a difference.

I was privileged to meet Didi Barrett when she first declared her candidacy. I found her engaging, forthright, smart, articulate and thoughtful. It’s refreshing to see a woman step up to the plate and take on the establishment. I was amazed to discover there are only 10 female senators as opposed to 52 males in the New York Senate. Maybe if the odds changed, so would the working climate within the legislature.

I agree with her when it comes to Women’s issues, education, and the environment. Her policies are in direct opposition to her opponent, who has a record of voting against a woman’s right to choose what happens to her own body, against no fault divorce and against allowing women time off from work for breast cancer screening.

Ms Barrett has captured the imagination of many prestigious organizations. She has recently received the endorsement of U.S. Sen. Gillibrand who said, “Didi… is a proven problem solver, who is committed to turning our economy around and working with small businesses and communities to create good-paying jobs.” The League of Conservation Voters has also thrown in its support. Her opponent, Mr. Saland, holds one of the worst voting records when it comes to environmental issues.

So it’s time for a change and a breath of fresh air. Didi Barrett gets my vote in the hope that my grandchildren will not be forced to live in a world contaminated by my generation.

Judy Rusk

Support of Senator Saland and Assemblyman Molinaro

To the Editor:

I am writing to express my support of Senator Steve Saland and Assemblyman Marc Molinaro and to urge my fellow citizens to vote for their re-election.

Steve and Marc have served our area with effective professionalism and a good degree of non-partisanship.  In particular, as Copake citizens struggled with waste hauler Sal Cascino and while the majority on the town board offered no leadership whatsoever, our State representatives spoke out publically and effectively in defense of and for the benefit of all citizens of Copake.

Senator Saland and Assemblyman Molinaro deserve to be re-elected.

Edgar M. Masters