Sunday, September 20, 2009

Public libraries essential part of having an educated population

Public libraries funded by tax money are an essential part of having an educated and literate population. The councilman may have priorities which may preclude his being in favor of libraries such as an uninformed electorate able to be more easily misled. Circulating libraries such as the one in Hillsdale provide not only books and other materials for general entertainment but also reference and research materials of current topics of interest. Is there perhaps something in the research stacks that of any of the candidates might prefer to be kept unread. - Anonymous

I don't want to meet or talk politics

So I am not a democrat or a republican, that makes me an independent. I am fine with that. But would really bothers me the past few weeks is the constant barrage of political interruptions at my house. Phone calls from candidates, having candidates brought to my house. Am I rude for not answering the door? Maybe. But after working all day and need some time to relax, I don't want to meet or talk politics. Even on the weekend too..... I'll vote when I want to vote..if you have something leave it my mailbox.. I am fine with that. If I see a politician or a supporter coming, I will not answer the door or I will tell them don't want to talk politics... enough is enough....
as a matter of fact I am writing this, because someone was just pounding on my door...!!!
Mike Streeter