Friday, January 7, 2011

A Feeling of Fellowship and Pride in the Town

Dear Bob,

Congratulations! Your young publication now 100 issues old! Generating an emergency alert system is a real contribution, but even more your tribute to Randi Shadic and others who serve the community does a great deal to create a feeling of fellowship and pride in the town. As your fellow Copake citizens, we are all very fortunate to have the benefit of your experience, expertise, and civic devotion. Thanks.

Copake Falls

Our Community is Very Fortunate

In this season of unexpected weather and higher gas prices, our community is very fortunate to have the DEPOT DELI open every day of the week now, fully stocked from the daily papers and coffee to sandwiches, drinks and canned foods and much more (maybe even homemade chili).  They are located near the Taconic State park and entrance to the rail trail in Copake Falls.  329-4770

Iris Sachs

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My New Web Site -

Letter to the Editor:
I would like to announce my new web site;  In my web site I propose that the Grand Jury be replaced with a judge to examine the evidence to determined if there is enough evidence to go to trial. My proposal is based on the arrest of my son and his indictment by the Grand Jury.  The District Attorney, Paul Czajka, ended the matter "for failure to go forward." He did not have any evidence and could not win the case. There was no determination of guilt or of innocents. The web site also proposes a mandatory investigation of charges of judicial misconduct if the charge is dismissed and then appealed.  I have asked the innocents project and others  to comment.  The innocents Project has freed hundreds of men from prison that were proven innocent.
Grant Dinehart Langdon

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

RE: A STATE OF EMERGENCY for all Columbia County

RE: A STATE OF EMERGENCY for all Columbia County

Thanks for the heads up...had no clue!

Karen D.

RE: A STATE OF EMERGENCY for all Columbia County

RE: A STATE OF EMERGENCY for all Columbia County

Thanks Bob, without your updates it’s next to impossible to know what's going on up there. We are having enough issues down here in Westchester County. Thanks again!


RE: A STATE OF EMERGENCY for all Columbia County

RE: A STATE OF EMERGENCY for all Columbia County

Bob - THANK YOU for this. I had no idea there was a state of emergency right now. It's just great to have this local source of information at this very isolating time.

Mary Allen

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stuck in the Driveway

Dear Bob,

I have never written a letter to the editor before but I thought this would be an appropriate first.
On 12/27 ( the day of the 20” storm) I was able to drive my 4 wheel vehicle out of my driveway onto County Route 7 in West Copake. Retuning after 4PM I did not get a head of steam back into my driveway as the highway department pushed a wall of snow at the entrance. My snow removal person did not get to me yet.

Trying for about 15 minutes with someone behind the wheel, I pushed and pushed with no success. Cars coming the other way slowed down when they saw my car partially on County Route 7. I got scared when one of the cars did one hellavu slide.

Now for the purpose of this letter. Several months ago they were letters and letters about getting rid of the Copake police Department. I am very happy that they decided not to. A Copake Police car passed my stuck car, turned around with emergency lights ablaze letting traffic from both directions know there was something wrong. Seeing we were still having trouble Officer Luann Varney climbed though almost 3 feet of snow drift and helped up push the car out of the way.

I am glad that the powers that be kept the Police Department. They are here to protect us which is in their line of duty. Ms. Varney went a step further.

Ed Horowitz