Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thanks To Copake's ZEO Ed Ferratto

To all concerned-This is a letter of thanks  directed at the diligence and perseverance of one Ed  Ferratto,who finally accomplished something I have personally struggled with for years and that is, to get Columbia Counties favorite landlord Phil Gellert to have his less than enthusiastic caretaker tenants to clean up 168 co.rte. 7a property. No longer cluttered with junk vehicles ,deposit bottles and assorted other wonders of  nondescript trash-I can finally see their lawn. Far from perfect, it is a step in the right direction and greatly appreciated.
All things considered no matter what public opion might be of me,I never the less have always endeavored to keep my property visually appealing and although not yet back  in operation will continue to do so.  B.K.

Crowley's Record of Appointments Does Not inspire Confidence

"Crowley's record of appointments does not inspire confidence. He says he wants to have an outside agency involved in the selection process. What he doesn't mention is that that agency is headed by a Republican."

The above statement appeared in my recent posting/letter to the editor concerning Copake Town Supervisor Reggie Crowley's proposal (which the Republican led town board majority passed on Sept. 11) to replace the town' s elected assessors with a single appointed assessor. In my deep concern about a plan to take away the voters' rights to choose their own assessors, without submitting the matter to a referendum, I made the statement at the expense of Suzette Booy, head of the agency to which I referred, the County Office of Real Property Services.

In fact, from conversations that I've had with Ms. Booy, I deeply respect her work with the agency and apologize for the implications of my statement and regret that I did not make that apology more directly at Saturday's board meeting. In selecting her to receive applications for the new position, Reggie Crowley made a wise choice; one can only wish that he had acting as wisely in deciding whether or not to include the voters (i.e. via a referendum) in the process.

Howard Blue

Morris Ordover's response to Bill Gregory's Letter

Morris Ordover's response to Bill Gregory's letter:

Dear Mr. Gregory:
You responded to my letter as if I was running for the Highway Department Supervisor position.  I want to make it clear that I am not running for any Town position despite the tone of your reply. I was merely stating my preference of candidates.

And I thank you for his civics lesson but I do know that the position is up for election every four years and I also know the for the last several election cycles, the candidate ran unopposed.  The only choice has been yes or no. Is that your idea of choice for our voters?

And by the way, should your campaign material be in our public Town Hall?  Can Mr. Jamieson place his material there too?

I stand by my support of Mr. Jamieson and will leave it to him to draft his OWN reply to your interesting comments, and to the voters to determine if a change would be good for Copake.

Morris Ordover

Questions about the Copake Police

As you know petitions for public input in our Town and State are very dear to my heart. I ran a petition to keep the elected assessors years ago.I certainly would sign a petition,having the citizens review the need for the police.There are a number of questions I know you will help me and our citizens with to receive the answers and the information that will help us make a wise decision.
            A.The time frame to gather signatures on a petition and have presented to the Election Board for this November's Ballot.
            B. The cost of the Police,the Budget line for them 2006,2007,2008,2009,20010
            C.The cost of both police Cars and the gas and repairs
            D.Your vote on the Police Budget in the past 5 years
            E.The audits for the Town Budget for those years.
            F.The police were brought into Copake by Town Law to discuss that law, and
               repeal that law may take some time can you list the steps and time frame.
            G.The offices/barracks for the Sheriffs,State Troopers etc.are in communities close to the Hudson River,what is their response time to Copake for criminal activates or emergencies.
     Please post this note as written in the Chronicle since you asked me directly to respond to your question.

Harvey J.Weber