After reading – After Reading About Christine O’Connell
I am compelled to respond. Judy yes it truly is unfortunate you didn’t have a crystal ball to look into the future. If that were the case it sounds as if you would have settled in a country that was more suitable to your beliefs. Judy you still have options in where you live, that is one of the wonderful things about our great country, the door swings both ways, you are always welcome to leave at any time. It is individuals like you, who think as you do that is motivating people to join and give power to Tea Party, so thank you. You condescending attitude and sentiments so very familiar, “If you don’t think like I do, then you are of lower intelligent and stupid.” It is one thing to disagree with others, but for you to say that you know better, and or you are smarter then more then 30,000 people who voted for O’Donnell I find offensive. If you had simple explained why you are so opposed to Ms. O’Donnell, instead just a blanket statement of because of “Her beliefs and her fiscal incompetence” I you would have explained those two point, I too my have ended up disliking her as well. I would also encourage you to look at American history. It is full of averaged Americans being elected into office, and leading successfully. As typical you and many others like you point at George W. Bush, and how he has put this country in such debt, and how our countries reputation has been ruined. Now I am not going try to defend President George W. Bush, but what about our current president. How much debt has he added in less then 2 years in office? Again I am not here to beat up on the president, I just think it is getting tiring to keep look back at just George W. Bush, when you are not willing to look at the current state of our country. I think it is only used as a distraction, as not to look at what is going on right in front of us.
Gerard Meenagh