Thursday, September 10, 2009

Planning Board advises the Town Board against the enactment of Local Law 3

September 8, 2009 Memo To: The Copake Town Board Re: Chapter 156 Junkyard and Motor Vehicle Storage Areas Local Law 3, 2009 From: Copake Planning Board The Copake Planning Board advises the Town Board against the enactment of Local Law 3, 2009 for the reasons listed below: The Planning Board reviewed Chapter 156 Code Town of Copake; the proposed Local Law No.3, 2009; excerpts from General Municipal Law 136 that may apply in Copake; the December 23, 2008 recommendations by Copake ZEO, Ed Ferratto. We recommend that the entire Chapter 156 be reviewed and revised by a Land Use Attorney considering the recommendations made by /I The Copake Motor Vehicle Storage Task Force," the State Laws and the recommendations made by the ZEO and the Planning Board. Examples of suggestions for revisions: Chapter 156-2 Definitions. Junkyards are not allowed in Copake. All references to them should be removed. Does the definition exist to clarify exactly what a junkyard is? If so, it should better defined. Motor Vehicle Storage Areas should be better defined and divided into definitions for businesses and personal use. Chapter 156 -3 A. According to Copake Zoning Laws, junkyards are not allowed in Copake. Chapter 156 - 3 B. Include requiring a Site Plan Review by the Planning Board (SPR is good for 3 years and then must be renewed.), or subject to a yearly special use permit issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Chapter 156 - 4. Application for a license. Include the completion of a Site Plan Review, or subject to a yearly special use permit issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Chapter 156 - 7. License fee. Should reconcile to current Building/Planning/Zoning fees and be increased to at least $100 or allocated per stored vehicle. Chapter 156 - 8. Fencing. Screening and other environmental impacts would be included in Site Plan Review. Chapter 232 Zoning- Table of Use Attachment 2:2. Add footnote''B" Requires Site Plan Permit to fI Auto Repair, car wash" under Business Uses in zones B-1, B-2, and 1-1. OR Chapter 232 Zoning - Table of Use Attachment 2:2. Change the P to X in the B-2 and I-I Zones under fI Auto Repairs, car wash" under Business Uses.


  1. why dont the town of copake be happy that bussinesses bring people to the town .

  2. Me again! Reading this letter I note the inclusion of the item regarding "Car wash" businesses. Since the La Porta family has a car wash I would think Joe should never have been part of this task force. I suggest Mr. Crowley revisit this task force and table this proposal until some additional research is done on the situation. The idea that the two town committees that deal with these specific concerns should be absented from any official capacity on this issue is absurd and shows a lack of judgement on the part of those persons responsible for making the descision to creat this "task force".

  3. Another stunning abuse of power but more important, another nail in Copake's downward spiral. Driving around the nearby towns I can't help but come to the conclusion that with 50% of our budget spent on roads, we may have the best ones in the region - though I haven't broken any shocks or ball joints in Hillsdale - but given the state of Copake's appearance and feel, our roads lead nowhere.
