Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Reggie Shouldn’t be Crowing about Holding the Increase to 9% instead of 10%

The Republican ideal is less government, less taxes
Copake added to the budget by going to a sole assessor. The Republicans had no candidate but now Reggie gets to pick a Republican for the sole assessor. Adding hours to the Copake Police is a waste of money and efficiency. It just adds patronage jobs to help elect Republicans. Copake taxpayers will be funding the Sheriff’s budget but not using their better staffed and trained services. Reggie shouldn’t be crowing about holding the increase to 9% instead of 10%. "

Grant Dinehart Langdon

1 comment:

  1. Amen to Grant Langdon's note. Did Reggie not run for his post on the platform of having a Sheriff's Dept Sub-station here instead of the local police?? Several of us seem to recall that very clearly!
    On another note, this year should have been an Austerity Budget, with all the other increases we are facing. While those of us who are employed can probably weather the storm, what about the elderly living on very fixed incomes. Remember, Social Security has not had a COLA in three years!
    Get with the program people, we need to vote them all out.
