Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Bad Day For The Citizens of Copake

Today was one of the really bad days for citizens of Copake. Our Republican dominated Town Board imposed its will upon the citizens of the Town without regard for their concerns or democracy.

The first order of business was for Supervisor Crowley to state that there would be NO public comment on any of the important year long assignments that were to be made. As a result, along with necessary decisions, the Republican majority broke an agreement made with the two Democrats on the Board regarding appointment of the Town Attorney, and without notice to them, selected a different attorney, basically unknown to the Democrats because one of the Republicans felt that I spoke with them for twenty minutes and believed that they are qualified to do the job.

That was just the beginning. After appointing Barbara Filipovits as Chief assessor, they disregarded her opinion regarding an interim assessor appointment and instead appointed a political hack and admitted thief to the position because he had "prior experience". That experience consisted of one course in the past not related to day to day assessing and a firm commitment not to run for the office later in the year. Thus, the revolving door of three republican assessors in one year continues.

Today's meeting was a sham and a shame. We have nothing to look forward to but mean spirited politics at its worst.

Citizens of Copake can and will remember these attitudes and decisions when elections come around over the next few years.

Morris Ordover

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