Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Revive the Copake Movie Theater

Bob, As I knocked on doors to register "weekenders", one couple in a very substantial house in West Copake on Rhoda pond, bent my ear for over a quarter of an hour about the loss of the movie house. As they put that bee in my ear , I could not agree more with your Chronicle sentiments about it's loss, and the forming of a group to revive it with private funds, (a co-op). With the demise of the Hudson plex, there is a marketing opportunity for one in Copake. This could be the central event in the revitalization plan. Perhaps the township can donate some land. Perhaps the old railroad station buildings could be moved to it and renovated. Since the mode today is a plex, the small spaces in the two buildings would not be limiting. There is a lot of private money in Copake as the Library indicated. Why not go after it? Leonard

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