Thursday, July 9, 2009

Saving Money in the Present Budget Crisis

Saving Money in the Present Budget Crisis

Hearing one option to saving money in the present budget crisis is cutting the police budget. That causes me to think back to when Copake was protected by three part time constables. It also was covered by the County Sheriff and the State Police at that time. At one time the State Police stationed a policeman and a car in Copake. That work very well and was easy on the local budget. In earner times they had a mounted policeman that stabled his horse at my barn on Church Street. That barn burned in 1985, was arson and the Copake Police was named the lead agency in investigating that fire. They proved to be no help at all, and the arson investigation by the State never took place even though it was requested by the then Fire Chief, Dell Walton. It is up to the people of Copake to decide how they want to be policed, but it does need to be policed.

Grant langdon

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