Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Get Away From Local Politics in Law Enforcement

In relation to the string of arson fires in Copake the local police and the Sheriff's did nothing as far as I can see.  The State should have been called in because part of the problem seemed to be political.  I named a suspect after the Bull Spring fire and Investigator, Walter Shook, wrote, "Langdon has no suspect."  It is apparent the Sheriff was protecting the person I named because no investigation was done.  When I said his name my two sons, deputy Wilson, and deputy Kane was present.  My son was arrested and got a bum rap because I talked to a reporter from the New York Times.

My son owned 20 head of Registered Holsteins, was taking part in decision making, and planned to take over the family farm.  The motive give to the press was he was a pyromaniac.  He was given a psychiatric exam by three qualifiedly examinations, one paid by the State, and they found no indication he was a pyromaniac. After hearing 2 of 7 witnesses the DA determined the arrest was a violation of civil liberties and not proper. He did not have a case.  The charges were dropped before trial so no due process took place. Again how the charges were dropped was political.

In Federal Court there was no due process either. The County stalled past the statute of limitations then stated, supported by affidavits of the arresting parties that were not true, that the arrest was proper.  Judge Howard G. Munson then denied a hearing on the statement, ruled it was a confession and found for the County.  His denial of the hearing where my son would have testified prevented any input from my son. That denied cross examination and again there was no due process. A lawyer I hired to appeal did not do the appeal and further appeals were denied by time restraints. A motion was filed for sanctions against the lawyer that lied about the arrest being proper and not a violation of civil liberties.  It was filed in Syracuse.  The lawyer in Albany filed answering papers in Albany.  I was living in Cincinnati at the time and traveled to Albany where my motion was answerable. Neither the Judge nor the lawyer was present, which indicts privet communication between the Judge and the lawyer.  I called the judges clerk and was told the Judge would rule from the bench.  When no decision came down I filed a writ of madatium (sp) with the Appeals court in New York.

When Judge Munson answered the writ he said there was no record of my motion in Syracuse.  It is clear Judge Munson altered court records by removing my motion.  Altering Court records is an impeachable offence.   I filed a petition with the House Judiciary Committee in Washington to impeach Judge Munson.  They allowed him to resign as Federal District Judge a few months before he died.  Federal District Judge Hurd has ordered the clerk not to file any papers I send and to return them. The courts saved the county insurance company and the tax payer millions of dollars, all at the expense of my families. The trial by jury of citizens guaranteed in Civil Cases never took place.

It would be better to increase the funding for the State Police to get away from the problem local politics plays in law enforcement in the first place.  Not only did the Copake Police contribute nothing, the Sheriff's road patrol only contributed by spotting the fire in the Church in time to save the building. The person I named as a suspect was not investigated
Grant Langdon

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