Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Susan Winchell- Sweeney One of the most promising candidates ever to run for Copake Town Councilman,

I am writing in support of one of the most promising candidates ever to run for Copake Town Councilman, Susan Winchell- Sweeney. At a time when Copake, like the rest of the country, is faced with immense financial challenge, Susan has what it takes to help steer Copake through these difficult times. Susan has smarts and by that I mean the kind of smarts that government needs. Every so often on the Copake Politics Form, Susan, who works for the NYS Museum in Albany, has posted information that she has researched about various legal and other matters relevant to the town that she has picked up from local newspapers or elsewhere.

Susan has all the earmarks of a candidate who can be counted on to work quietly for the town and avoid the unnecessary yelling and screaming that sometimes characterizes politicians. She is a long-time member of the Copake Conservation Resources Committee and helped get the head of the NYS GreenLITES program to Copake to discuss how it can help the town to work with the county on the Route 7A road rebuilding.  She’s extremely smart, an excellent researcher, persistent, articulate and compassionate. She is a bridge builder in the style of the highly respected candidate for supervisor, Linda Gabaccia. Together with Linda, Rachel Collins Kelly (candidate for Town Clerk), and George Filipovits (candidate for Town Council) Susan will help restore to Copake town government, the fairness integrity, financial accountability and dedication to the public good that it needs.

Howard Blue 

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