Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Linda Gabaccia - Vision, Foresight, Organizing Skills Make her an Outstanding Councilwoman

To the Editor:
I am writing to express my strong support for the candidacy of Linda Gabaccia for Supervisor of the Town of Copake.  It has been my privilege to work with Linda as she served as liaison to Copake’s board of Ethics of which I have been a member since its inception—a board which owes its very existence to the vision, foresight, and organizing skills of this outstanding councilwoman.  Ms. Gabaccia is a brilliant planner and innovator- a graduate of one of the most prestigious woman’s colleges in this country,
Mt. Holyoke. 

She has demonstrated outstanding organizational skills, and sees that any project she initiates is followed through to its completion.  She is tireless and devoted to her duties on the town council.  She is personable, and able to work together in a collaborative way for the betterment of this town. She has taken advantage of any opportunity presented to sharpen her skills as an office holder by her attendance at workshops and seminars, or studying publications in the field.  Linda is a life long resident of Copake and is well- acquainted with its citizens, its distinctive character and its future needs.  She has demonstrated a compassionate concern for those in need in this community and is known by many of us as the “therapist of the Depot Deli.”  She is personable, witty, insightful, and imaginative.  I can’t think of a better-qualified person to guide this “Town of Rural Charm” into the glorious future that awaits it than my good friend, colleague, and inspiration, Linda Gabaccia.  I earnestly solicit your vote.

Walt Zelley
Copake Falls

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