Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Susan Winchell-Sweeney - Intelligent, Hardworking and Level Headed.

To the Editor,

Susan Winchell-Sweeney is running for a seat on the Copake Town Board.  I plan to vote for this outstanding candidate on November 8th.  I urge my fellow Copake citizens to vote for her as well.

I have served with Susan on the Copake Conservation Resources Committee and have found her to be intelligent, hardworking and level headed.  She was instrumental in helping the committee catalogue the town’s various conservation resources.  Our committee’s report, which became an appendix to the Town’s new Comprehensive Plan, would not have been possible without Susan’s invaluable contributions of GIS mapping and other technology.

Susan is also experienced in town government and knowledgeable about the community.  When the County Highway Department tried to avoid public review of planned repairs to Brown’s Dam on Route 7, Susan rallied her neighbors and friends and insisted their voices be heard.  As a result, local meetings were held giving townspeople an opportunity to address concerns and to request provisions that would protect Copake citizens during the planned construction.  When the County Highway Department attempted to renege on promises it had made, Susan worked effectively to ensure those promises were kept.

Susan is highly intelligent and personable.  She will do much to reverse the negative effects the outgoing Republican board members have had on our town during the past four years.

Please vote for Susan Winchell-Sweeney and her fellow candidates Linda Gabaccia and George Filipovits on November 8th.

Edgar M. Masters

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