Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Linda Gabaccia - The only one who had the guts to stand up for Copake against serial polluter Sal Cascino

To the Editor:

I am a registered Independent and I am supporting Linda Gabaccia for Copake Town Supervisor. She has proven herself in many ways in her six years on the Board. She was the only one who had the guts to stand up for Copake against serial polluter Sal Cascino, while others either worked for him or stood by silently. She also has experience in grant writing skills that will come in handy to transform Main Street's empty businesses and pump in some economic life that this town has been missing in recent years. I also know she has what it takes to have a positive working relationship at the County level. In fact, I definitely feel more confident with her ability to work at the county, state and federal levels.

In this election, I will be supporting all of the Democratic endorsed candidates for office in Copake. I want people in there who are going to make Copake, as a community, a better place to live. It worries me that the Republicans will be too ideological, rather than practical. Take, for example, the situation at the Copake Green Field: I trust Linda and her team to handle that situation. I know Linda won't give up. I know she will continue to look for a solution that benefits the Town of Copake and preserves important farmland. One of the things I love about Copake is the natural beauty and small town charm. My fear is that if there was a proposal for the development of that field, that a Republican board would side with the owners/developers and not with what is best for the town.
I lived in Key West, Florida for 25 years before moving here to Copake. I have seen first hand what unchecked development and bad planning decisions have done to the fabric and character of a town. I was missing my town before I moved away. Linda will fight hard to do the right thing for all our residents in Copake.

Kevin Kelly

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