Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our loss will Certainly Be Copake's Gain

We consider ourselves fortunate that for the last two years Ms. Rachel Collins Kelly has assisted us not only as a personal caregiver to my wife, but as an executive administrative assistant to both of us in our complicated media lives.

     She is quick to assess and work through every situation and problem, especially if it entails business decisions and operations. She is highly skilled on computers and in business math. She is good also at direct communication on the phone as well as in person. She is a problem solver. She is dependable, devoted, loyal and is genuinely interested in her work.

     We’ve had repeated compliments about her from outside business and personal associates. Ms. Kelly also dresses tastefully and attractively and projects a caring, cheerful, positive personality.

     We regret that we do not live in Copake, so that we might vote for her. Those who can, and we believe will, are sure to be in sufficient numbers to provide their town and community with an outstanding public servant. Our loss will certainly be Copake's gain.


                                                Ann and Bob Shanks

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