Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Explanation of Copake’s Recent Political History.

Mr. Sachs thanks for the explanation of Copake’s recent political history.  I agree and understand your shared pain.  I do remember the 27% tax lie that got Crowley into office.  In fact, I remember most but not all of the events in your commentary.  It is a sad thing that our town had to suffer so much for so long.  I give you a lot of credit for sticking it out, because under the same circumstances I’m not sure I could have done the same.  I pray that we can quickly overcome the nonsense created by that one man.
It was never like this when Angelo was in office, Crowley changed everything and none of it for the good. Everybody got along, and just did the town’s business. 
J. Miller

Friday, March 9, 2012

Copake's Town Board Has Courage

To the Editor:

I'd like to congratulate Copake's Town Board's new majority for having the courage to disband the Zoning Review Committee (land use review committee) and start out fresh! The old republican dominated board had clearly discouraged applicants who may not agree with their agenda by creating a distorted view of the expectations of commitment.

Why would Reggie Crowley tell applicants that the board was to meet every week when it is to meet monthly? Was this done to intentionally put off volunteers or was it not understanding what the requirements would be? Either way indicates that the selection process was flawed. Also, as Jeff Nayer points out, the board got off to a rocky start. Why retain a land use review committee picked by the previous administration who mishandled the selection process? Were some applicants treated differently because they did not share the republican view of land use? Is that so hard to believe that would ever happen? The newly elected majority not only has the legal right to do this but would be negligent in not righting the wrong of the last administration. Linda Gabaccia, Bob Sacks and Susan Winchell-Sweeney have taken a lot of heat for doing the right thing here. Wasn't pretty but that's the way it goes sometimes. By the way I'm not a democrat and one of the reasons why I'm not is, the democrats always try to take the high ground while the republicans fight dirty and because the public is so ill-informed they get away with it. 

When pressed to say who was not treated fairly Linda Gabaccia kept her word to respect the wishes of those who complained to remain confidential which is not only her moral obligation but her legal right. I don't blame them for not wanting to come forward in a county that is dominated by republicans. Too bad more democrats don't have the spine to stand behind this board for doing the right thing! For Mr. Crowley to cry foul about this situation caused by his deception or incompetence is the real despicable act here. And he is a hypocrite: as soon as he assumed his role as Supervisor in 2008 he disbanded the Comprehensive Plan Committee. He is still a divisive force even after leaving office, using the volunteers to create misguided outrage to drive a wedge between the voters and the town board. What a shame! We now have republican obstructionism at the local level. Although the republicans lost the majority, they still want to run the town using smoke and mirrors to distort reality to stir up discontent and intimidate the town board. Sadly, I think we can expect more of this nonsense from the loud, angry cronies who lost control and will sink to any level to regain it. No amount of compromise will satisfy them, all they know is to attack and complain until they get back in the majority. Hopefully Supervisor Nayer can maintain order at town hall meetings so the Town Board can conduct the business they were elected to do.

Kevin Kelly
Copake, NY

Thursday, February 9, 2012

THRILLED to have the Copake Chronicle

Hi Bob,
My name is Kendra MacDougall.  My sister is Mary Bradway, who has lived and had her Hair Salon in Copake for so many years, I can’t remember!!
I now live in California, but when Mary told me that you had the Copake Chronicle on line, I was THRILLED!!!  I get to stay up with what is going on and who’s doing what!
I am glad you are going to be with family, but hope you are right, and that someone will take on The Chronicle.

Thank you for keeping me in touch and I wish you all the best!!!

I have to say GO YANKEES in 2012 because they are all haters out here!!

Kendra MacDougall

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Loyal Reader of the Chronicle

Barry had told me of your impending move, and for all the right reasons. Your "farewell" notice today is well done. I'm sure many of your local friends and neighbors will be sorry to see you go. Best to you and Carol.

I have been a loyal reader of the Chronicle, even though I passed through Copake only once (at night). I grew up in a small Western Massachusetts town, much like Copake, and I really got a charge over reading the articles, and letters to the editor. Small towns are unique, but they have many similar issues and problems.

Hopefully someone as dedicated and capable as you will pick up the job before you go. I think your exposure, travel and knowledge of the outside world brought an insight to this newsweekly which will be hard to replace.

Tom Purple

Monday, January 30, 2012

Still Not Sure That Erecting Cell Towers Are Such A Great Idea

I'm still not sure that erecting cell towers are such a great idea for our town. I've been reading conflicting articles about the potential for serious health risks (i.e) leukemia
among people who live within a short distance from cell towers (or any other RF-emitting structures).
Most studies are inconclusive, especially since this is a relatively new presence in our ever-changing environment.

Is anyone here concerned enough to even take even a moment to consider any possible down-sides of wanting better cell-phone coverage?

Meanwhile, new construction developments meet all sorts of environmental and other potentially impacting standards in our town, as they should.

I know better cell coverage is a benefit to our emergency services.
I also know that other towns and regions have installed different systems of repeaters for the emergency bands to have full, dedicated coverage in the areas they serve.
I also know there's some sort of mandates some time in the future for communications coverage that towns need to comply to.

I also realize that if I was stuck in a ditch, I would not be happy if I didn't have a signal.
I also know that where there's going to be one tower, there will sooner or later, be another...and another.
This first one will not provide complete coverage.

And, once we crap-up one zone, it'll be easier to justify another.
If there's no avoiding this, so be it...but, I know other towns which have resisted and not only for reasons of visual impact.

Maybe the risks, in the long run, will outweigh the benefits.
Maybe not.
I don't know.

-Steve Rosenzweig
King of the Luddites

Thursday, January 19, 2012

You are so right

You are so right. Without cell service and high speed internet we will fall off the map. Business generation and second home sales will completely disappear.
R Lazarus

Warning: Possible Bait and Switch

Warning: Possible Bait and Switch - Telephone offer. Wed. 18 January 2012 

Editor's Note: I have heard of this style of business before but I have no idea if this note is accurate. 
I cannot and do not substantiate this report. It is always advisable to think twice with cold calling. 
I have located the following reports on the web they too may or may on be accurate.
Please make your decisions with appropriate caution. 


Warning: Possible Bait and Switch - Telephone offer. Wed. 18 January 2012

A call offering a drawing for a $15,000 makeover of your house: Doors,
windows, gutters, and more. Man said his name was Lonnie and his
partner was Peggy.

"Could some one come by TODAY ? "
This was definitely a high pressure sales pitch, and I had to fight
him off on the phone, but felt this whole area might be vulnerable.

The supervisor identified his company as Barrier Window, said there
were many locations, but refused to give a physical location.

Forwarded in good faith for Copake community.

Bob Wood




Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Will We Create a New Democracy - The Two Vote, Losers System

I continue to be amazed at the back and forth around the Police issue. Elections throughout America's history have been decided by incredibly slim majorities but the losers have not, to my knowledge, gotten a new vote because they lost by a small margin. In Senates, Houses of Representatives and Town Councils all over our country, those vital issues too, are often decided by one vote, yet there is no process for a revote. That is our Democratic system and that is how it works

Losing a vote by a small margin is tough. I'm reminded of George Bush's result in Florida; in that vote, a Presidential election for 300,000,000 citizens was decided by 2000 votes and a few hanging chads. Al Gore, the loser, cared enough about our country to refuse to create a continuing national nightmare - a decision I reluctantly agreed with. In that case, the court said that,

"revote"--i.e., a special election remedy--is categorically illegal...regardless of the severity of the electoral problems occurring on election day".

If we surrender to our revote proposal, we will create a New Democracy, - The Two Vote, Losers System - in which losers get to have a revote and it will apply equally to all outcomes and all sides. That would double the cost of our elections, double the time our candidates have to spend visiting, and then re-visiting our homes, double the cost to the candidate of creating collateral materials and double the time it would take to get a decision. That means when we have our next Town Council election, we would either have the first vote in June so that the second, contested vote could take place in the legal framework for November, or we could just have a six month, "Lame duck" Town Council until the official revote takes place in January or February.

I would ask the losers in this election to understand what it is they are creating; this door does not simply open once. Once opened, it does not close. If we negate the system that has sustained our country for two hundred years, if we negate the votes of a majority of citizens, we will have set a precedent that will suck this town dry politically, emotional and culturally. I believe the people who care about the Police Force would be the first among us to say they care about Copake. If you care about Copake, I would ask you to take your heads out of the sand and look at the big picture. It may not be the losers intention to see our town divided like some mini Civil War but that is what they will get. If the losers don't see that, I hope the new Town Council does because what will happen in our meetings for years to come will make the previous administration's acrimony look like a walk in the park.

Ian Jarvis

Monday, December 19, 2011

I feel I know Copake better then most places

Wonderful letter, thank you.   Even though I do not live there or never visited, I feel I know the town better then most places.   You bring so much insight and feeling into The Chronicle it is easy and fun to follow the  heartbreaks and joys of Copake.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and HEALTHY New Year to you and Carol.

Howard Sullivan
Palm Coast, FL

The Majority Voted For No Police Force

I read the Columbia paper and I see that Ms. LeBrecht is coming up with reasons why we need to have a revote for a very expensive police force that no other town in our area thinks they need. She says the Copake voters were confused.

It occurs to me that if I were a real estate person the police might possibly help me to sell weekend houses to uninformed and totally mislead second homes owners around the lake.

The vote was taken the people spoke, and the majority voted for no police force. The resolution was in the Chronicle at least three times. Sachs made sure to explain the issue and he showed exactly what the question was to over 1,300 Copake voters. He even showed what it would look like. What was so hard to understand? Yes, dissolve the police. Duh, are we a stupid town or are we just a corrupt town.

The people who are calling for a revote are disingenuous and I think that they are even dangerous. They are willing to destroy democracy as we understand it for their own personal needs and issues.

This town cannot afford a private very part-time police force for $100,000 a year.

The people voted please respect the democratic policy of Copake, New York and the USA.

Tim Waldman

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Town That Couldn't Vote Straight

I've, been reading the email traffic on the Copake Politics Forum these last weeks following the vote about disbanding the Copake Police force. The voters spoke and The Police force is to be disbanded. Now there appears to be a question about trying to obtain an injunction against the result of the vote.

Can people really be serious about launching an injunction; a lengthy and costly battle in the hamlet of Copake over a vote that is done and decided? Will that include fund raisers to pay for lawyers to research, argue and file all sides of the judicial argument, or will the council have to defend the outcome of a legal and settled vote at taxpayers expense? Will we have signs along the highway proclaiming which side we're on? Bumper stickers? T shirts? Can we look forward to shouting matches at Town Hall like we've had for four long years? Will we enjoy seeing the articles and letters in local and regional newspapers about "The Town That Couldn't Vote Straight.?" or "The Town That Couldn't Make Up It's Mind?"

Yes, let's have an injunction. Then we can become a truly divided village, mimicking the dysfunctional political relationships we see statewide and nationally. We can reinvent ourselves not as The Land of
Rural Charm, but as the town that like Congress, can't get out of it's own way, does nothing productive and above all, still resolves issues based on partisan politics. Anyone who thinks a vote they're unhappy with merits a revote, should take a long look at our national and state politics and ask themselves if they'd like to saddle our town with the precedent it will set for both sides to default to when they lose a
vote in the future and saddle our town too, with the costs each injunction will bring and the unbridled, emotional enmity that will surely follow.

Ian Jarvis

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Political Pressure Put on Individuals in Copake

Thank you for standing up against the political pressure put on individuals in Copake.  I  found the article about the missing political signs  and playing the "game" politically very interesting. This also happened in Hillsdale during some tense campaigns. I'm sure it is wide spread in Columbia County. I think we need to be constantly vigilant about preserving our right to choose political candidates. It is a sad commentary on our humanness when we have adults who are blatantly trying to take away our democratic right to a fair and open campaign. Power seems to corrupt. I hope the people in Copake realize how they are being manipulated.

Maryann Schafer

Two Points About Our Police Force.

To The Editor:

1 - I recently saw a note on one of our local political sites saying that the cost of our Copake Police force is $30-$40 dollars a year per person. For me, it's a misconception to describe it that way. Our Police Force costs us $100,000 per year - that's $100,000 that could go to children's programs or downtown development to name a few. It could also pay outstanding bills or simply disappear from the budget entirely. Justifying large costs by breaking them into tiny pieces is an illusion and a terrible business model - one pound of feathers weighs exactly the same as a one pound brick.  If we think every $100,000 in budgeting is a "few cigarettes,"  we will soon give ourselves permission to spend our way into bankruptcy. I hope that those on the fence about "yes" or "no," make their decision based on more information than the cost of coffee or Marlboro's.


2 - On October 21, I found out that a woman we contracted to sit our house and our dog while we were out of town, had been driving around town for 3 days in my car. In order to find my keys,  she'd had to rifle through my house. As her actions were manifestly illegal, I called our local, Copake, Police Force, while I was still in North Carolina.

Sadly, I got an answering machine. We spend $100,000 of our tax dollars every year on our force.  Couldn't we have one policeman - on a 24 hr, rotating basis - designated as the "go to" person for a citizen''s call? Even if our pay structure doesn't allow that cop to saddle up in the face of an emergency, wouldn't it help our citizens just to be able to talk to our local police and get feedback and direction? Isn't that  what  we all seek in a difficult moment?. It's what doctors do, why wouldn't our force do it too?  Without this kind of presence and commitment to our community, the power of a local police force becomes a crap shoot - and it's one that I lost.

I did, in fact, call the Hillsdale Sherif's office next. They had an officer at my house in 15 minutes - a whole lot faster than the answering machine could have gotten there. My car and the illegal driver brazenly returned to my house several minutes after that. The presence of the Sheriff made the resolution extremely fast, simple and safe because otherwise, it would have fallen to my neighbors to enforce the law on my behalf and there's little doubt an argument and who knows what else might have followed that kind of a confrontation, so my thanks to the sheriffs for their efficiency and help.

it is now ten days later, and in spite of the tone of my voice, the explanation about the crisis and the telephone number I left on the Copake Police answering machine - I have not, to my knowledge and up to the moment of writing this -t received a phone call or follow up. Can I assume our $100,000 law enforcement agency has not yet checked its answering machine? Or did our Police decide my Copake based problem wasn't their problem?  If they make the case now, that they found out from the Sheriff's department that it was resolved,  why  didn't I get a call from our Copake Police - whose salary is in part, paid directly with my tax dollars, to express their concern, their acknowledgement of my call and a question above all, about how things happened and how could they could help now?  Perhaps as further outreach, they might have offered some cogent advice about hiring people without sufficient background checks and how I might, in fact do that job up front, next time. If anyone from the Copake Police reads this, please know that I would still like a friendly return call, if not a visit, to explain to me where they dropped the ball and what they plan to do about it.

I hope all who read this will walk in my shoes. I hope you'll take a minute and think what this Police absence and voice mail means should you ever have a problem in your home or neighborhood and not personally know one of our policemen. For me, it means the emergency number on my refrigerator is now the Hillsdale Sheriff's Department, not the Copake Police.

PS - In case the Copake force is interested, the sheriff's department sent a patrolman to my house last Saturday so I could sign a warrant for the prosecution of this individual. If I don't get my requested call back from our local  force, I will publish a follow up letter so they can find out how this ( alleged) crime, committed in Copake and to a citizen of Copake was adjudicated; just in case they'd like to know.

Ian Jarvis

Peter Stoll CPA - A Proven Track Record of Excellence

Peter Stoll CPA - A Proven Track Record of Excellence

Peter Stoll CPA - A Proven Track Record of Excellence

There may have been a time when name recognition and commendable core values were sufficient qualifications for one to serve the public in office.

Unfortunately, this is not such a time. In these times, we need a person with a strong moral and ethical fiber who also has the qualifications and experience to face the fiscal challenges of the present.

I believe that candidate is Peter Stoll. Mr. Stoll is a Certified Public Accountant. His education and experience in the business and finance world make him uniquely capable of ushering in a new era of effectiveness and transparency that the current fiscal climate of Columbia County needs desperately.

He has a proven track record of excellence in turning around under-performing companies, experience as a CFO in charge of budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars, and has been instrumental in implementing measures that resulted in cost-savings in the tens of millions.

His impressive resume includes broad experience in financial analysis, contract negotiations, and legal compliance.

Mr. Stoll is clearly a leader in the financial world, a creative problem-solver with the knowledge, skills and integrity needed to navigate our county through its current challenges and guide us through the uncertainty of the economic future.

He is exactly what Columbia County needs right now and in the years to come.
It would be a tragedy to reject the opportunity to have someone of Peter Stoll's caliber heading the treasurer's office.

Voters of Columbia County have a unique opportunity to elect a candidate for County Treasurer whose credentials are unsurpassed.
Please join me in supporting Peter Stoll, CPA, for Columbia County Treasurer.

 Rosanne Aulino

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Emergency Updates Extremely Helpful

Bob, I find your weather and emergency updates extremely helpful.  Keep them coming.  We wouldn't have known what was going on had it not been for the Chronicle.
Thank you, Terry Sullivan

I appreciate your emergency updates

Bob- I appreciate your emergency updates, and I do not even live in Copake at this point! I am in Millerton. It gives me a sense of being a part of the community when I am kept informed. That is very important to me. If someone feels his time is wasted by reading your news updates, he has the right to choose to not read them. Thank you for your time and caring.
Sherry Rucker

Appreciate Getting all the News from the Chronicle,

Just noticed that someone has said they don't need Copake Chronicle weather notices.  We spend just 4 weeks a year at Taconic Park, but much appreciate getting all the news from the Chronicle, including the weather notices!  Sometimes  a friend, who is a resident of that area, but doesn't receive the Chronicle, is out of town and I forward the notices to her, in case she's wondering how things are at home---And we, ourselves, since we think of your beautiful part of the world as a second home, like to read about it - sorry when it's necessary, but glad to be informed.  Thank you!

Mary Thompson

Your service is invaluable to any of us in Copake.

Your service is invaluable to any of us in Copake.  Many Thanks!
And, kudos to NYSEG!  As taxpayers of Copake Township & residents of Copake Lake, we just got our power back!  Roads up here are cleared & power & internet are back!  NYSEG has come a long way since our last winter storm!
christine corcoran 

Living in Copake is like Living in Downtown Baghdad

Last week before the unusual snow storm, we lost power in the birch rd section of taconic shores twice in one day, once the week before and three times during the last month. the lights go out  like someone turning a light switch on and off. when we lived in claverack the power went off once in 20 years. it seems that my new hobby is going around the house and changing the clocks on all the electronics.
I implore the town officials to push NYSEG to improve the power supply here and to trim the trees back to help stop the outages.
robert garon